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New! Earth Kind Roses For Growers and Retailers

Our friend, Paul Winski M.S., a Program Specialist - Commercial Horticulture/Green Industry at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, recently contacted us to help spread the word on a multi-year initiative to promote new Earth-Kind® Roses across the state. Here is what he had to say to the Industry:

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is excited to announce a multi-year initiative to promote new Earth-Kind® Roses across the state. These roses were rigorously tested for performance in challenging Texas conditions and require minimal care while offering stunning beauty.

Key Points

  • Campaigns will run over three successive years, featuring newly designated Earth-Kind® Roses.
  • 15 rose cultivars have been selected based on rigorous multi-year research studies conducted in northwest Dallas.
  • Earth-Kind® Roses are beautiful, low-maintenance, and environmentally-friendly, requiring no fertilizers, pesticides, or excessive irrigation after establishment.
  • Roses must be grown on their own roots and designated by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension to be considered Earth-Kind®.

Campaign Details

  • Launches on the first weekend of April each year (adjustable for different climate zones).
  • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension will generate media coverage to support the campaigns.
  • Includes point-of-purchase materials to boost retail sales (Orora Visual Horticulture).
  • Features the most available cultivars in the first year, progressing to less available ones in subsequent years.

Highly Available Roses Featured First

The campaign will strategically feature rose varieties based on current availability:

  • Year 1: Most available cultivars
  • Year 2: Next most available cultivars
  • Year 3: Least available cultivars

New Opportunities for Texas Growers

  • Increased demand expected for featured cultivars
  • New market potential for 'Lena' and 'Ole' cultivars (contact Paul Winski for cutting sources)

 Trial Plantings Recommended for Other Texas Regions

While highly recommended for north-central and central Texas, trial plantings are suggested for other regions to ensure suitability.

Rose Rosette Disease Information Available

Consumers are advised to contact their County Extension Agent or a Texas Master Certified Nursery Professional to learn about rose rosette disease in their area.

Collaboration with Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service acknowledges the valuable partnership with the Texas Nursery & Landscape Association (TNLA) in distributing this information.

 We believe this initiative will bring beautiful, low-maintenance roses to Texas landscapes and benefit both consumers and the green industry.


Steven George, Ph.D.

Professor and Extension Earth-Kind® Specialist

National Coordinator of the Earth-Kind® Rose Program

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension


Paul Winski, M.S.

Program Specialist - Commercial Horticulture/Green Industry

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Ph: 979.314.8047



For More Information

  • Contact Paul Winski, Program Specialist - Commercial Horticulture/Green Industry (
  • To print our Earth Kind Flyer, click HERE
  • To read more about the Three Year Campaign, click HERE
  • To print out the Earth Kind Poster, click HERE
  • To print out the Earth Kind Benchcard, click HERE